A lot of people ask me how to use Lithium 1.5 so..... here it is
Whats a cracker? just a program that tries to authentificate with different an user and a password.
Lithium can crack POP, FTP and .NET Passport accounts.
1) Select a crack type: POP, FTP or .NET Passport:
* If you selected POP or FTP, you will have to type an IP or Host, and the Port.
2) Select a crack mode, type user/pass and load user/pass list:
* What are user/pass lists? just txt files that contain the users or passwords that you think that can match. You can use the random word generator tool, its in the menu.
*If you selected Passport type, User list would be the E-Mail lists, not the username, but the whole e-mail.
User list and Password list: you need those two lists to make the program try to crack with them
Single User and Pass list: just load an Pass list and type an user
Single Pass and User list: type a pass and select an user list
3) Click on start and wait
*Note: POP and FTP servers are faster than Passport's so dont say Lithium is slow, cause its not